Mexico is a mineral rich country. It is the source for many amazing crystals and minerals. While unusual, Enchanted Crystal is sometimes given an opportunity to source a bulk variety of crystals. The composition of these crystals and minerals is so varied that it is too difficult to separate and identify all the combinations of each specimen. Below are many of the varieties included in this selection:

CREEDITE: A mineral that forms as beautiful, transparent, and prismatic crystals. It is typically found in shades of white, pink, purple, or orange. It is known for its distinctive crystal habits and is often found as clusters or as individual elongated crystals. Creedite is primarily composed of calcium, aluminum, sulfate, and fluoride.

Creedite is a high-vibrational crystal that promotes spiritual growth and connection. It enhances intuition, psychic abilities, and facilitates communication with higher realms.

MIMETITE: A lead arsenate mineral that forms small, prismatic crystals. It typically occurs in shades of yellow, orange, brown, or green. Mimetite crystals can exhibit a wide range of habits, including hexagonal prisms and barrel-shaped formations. They are known for their high luster and are often found in association with other lead and arsenic minerals.

Mimetite is a stone of manifestation and personal power. It assists in setting clear intentions and taking action towards goals, while also promoting self-confidence and courage.

WULFENITE: A lead molybdate mineral that forms square or rectangular crystals. It is usually found in bright orange, red, or yellow colors, often with a high luster. Wulfenite crystals can be transparent or translucent and are known for their distinct tabular or pyramidal crystal habits. It is a popular mineral among collectors due to its vibrant color and crystal formations.

Wulfenite is a crystal that enhances creativity and self-expression. It stimulates the solar plexus chakra, boosting personal power and motivation, and assists in overcoming obstacles.

ROSASITE: A secondary copper mineral that typically occurs as small, spherical aggregates or crusts. It is known for its striking blue or greenish-blue color, which can resemble turquoise. Rosasite forms in the oxidation zone of copper deposits and is often associated with other copper minerals. It has a soft and velvety appearance and is highly valued by mineral collectors.

Rosasite is a gentle and soothing crystal that promotes emotional healing and inner peace. It encourages self-love, compassion, and helps release emotional blockages.

AURICHALCITE: A zinc copper carbonate hydroxide mineral that usually forms as crusts or botryoidal (grape-like) aggregates. It exhibits a light blue to green color and has a vitreous or silky luster. Aurichalcite often occurs in association with other oxidized copper and zinc minerals and is found in locations with secondary mineralization.

Aurichalcite is a calming stone that aids in balancing emotions and promoting tranquility. It assists in communication, self-expression, and can enhance spiritual development.

CHRYSOCOLLA: A hydrated copper silicate mineral that is known for its vibrant blue and green colors. It often occurs as botryoidal masses or in crusts, and its surface can exhibit a smooth and polished appearance. Chrysocolla is commonly associated with other copper minerals and is valued for its attractive colors and use in jewelry.

Chrysocolla is a stone of communication and empowerment. It promotes compassionate expression, intuition, and helps balance emotions, fostering inner strength and empowerment.

GOETHITE: An iron hydroxide mineral that can occur in a variety of colors, including black, brown, yellow, and red. It often forms as botryoidal or stalactitic masses, as well as in fibrous or prismatic crystals. Goethite is a common mineral and is an important component of rust or iron oxide deposits. It is also found in soil and sedimentary environments.

Goethite is a grounding stone that enhances stability and protection. It assists in releasing negative energies, fostering clarity of thought, and promoting emotional healing.

CHALCOPYRITE: A copper iron sulfide mineral and one of the most important copper ores. It has a brassy yellow color and metallic luster, often with iridescent purple, blue, or green hues. Chalcopyrite can occur as massive granular formations or in well-formed crystals with a tetrahedral shape. It is widely distributed and is an essential source of copper.

Chalcopyrite is a crystal that promotes abundance and manifestation. It enhances vitality, confidence, and stimulates the solar plexus chakra, supporting personal power.

CALCITE: A calcium carbonate mineral that occurs in a wide range of colors, including colorless, white, yellow, orange, blue, green, and red. It typically forms rhombohedral or scalenohedral crystals and often exhibits a vitreous or pearly luster. Calcite is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth and is found in various geological settings.

Calcite is a versatile crystal that amplifies energy and cleanses negativity. It promotes clarity, intuition, and assists in opening and balancing various chakras.

MOTTRAMITE: A secondary lead copper vanadate mineral that forms in small, acicular or prismatic crystals. It can occur in colors ranging from dark green to black, often with a resinous or vitreous luster. Mottramite is commonly found in oxidized zinc and lead ore deposits and is valued by collectors for its unique crystal habits and deep green color.

Mottramite is a crystal that enhances spiritual growth and transformation. It stimulates the third eye and crown chakras, facilitating spiritual insights and deepening meditation.

MALACHITE: A copper carbonate hydroxide mineral that is known for its distinctive green color and banded patterns. It often forms in botryoidal or stalactitic masses and can also occur as fibrous or crystalline aggregates. Malachite is a popular ornamental stone and is highly valued for its vivid green color and unique patterns.

Malachite is a powerful stone of transformation and protection. It absorbs negative energies, promotes emotional healing, and helps to align with one's purpose.

HEMIMORPHITE: A zinc silicate mineral that occurs in a variety of colors, including white, colorless, blue, and green. It commonly forms as botryoidal or stalactitic aggregates, as well as in prismatic or tabular crystals. Hemimorphite is often associated with other zinc minerals and can exhibit a vitreous or pearly luster. It is used as a minor ore of zinc and is also valued as a collector's mineral.

Hemimorphite is a crystal that encourages self-expression and personal growth. It aids in emotional healing, balances the throat chakra, and fosters self-acceptance.

CERUSSITE: A lead carbonate mineral that forms in a variety of crystal habits, including prismatic, tabular, and twinned formations. It often occurs in shades of white, gray, or colorless, sometimes with a yellow or brown tint. Cerussite crystals can have a high luster and a resinous or adamantine luster. It is a common secondary mineral in lead ore deposits and is sought after by collectors.

Cerussite is a crystal that enhances clarity of thought and insight. It promotes spiritual growth, aligns with higher wisdom, and assists in accessing past life information.

MIMETITE & WULFENITE: These are separate minerals, but they are mentioned together here because they often occur together in the same mineral deposits. Mimetite is a lead arsenate chloride mineral, typically forming small hexagonal crystals in shades of yellow, orange, or brown. Wulfenite, as mentioned earlier, is a lead molybdate mineral with square or rectangular crystals in vibrant shades of orange, red, or yellow. Both minerals are valued by collectors for their crystal formations and attractive colors.

Mimetite and Wulfenite together create a dynamic energy that combines manifestation, personal power, and creative expression. They synergistically amplify each other's properties.

DATOLITE: A calcium borosilicate mineral that occurs in a variety of colors, including white, green, yellow, and brown. It commonly forms as prismatic or tabular crystals and can also occur in granular or massive formations. Datolite is known for its vitreous luster and transparent to translucent appearance. It is found in various geological environments and is sought after by collectors.

Datolite is a crystal that enhances intuition and psychic abilities. It aids in spiritual growth, balances emotions, and supports clarity of thought.

DANBURITE: A calcium borosilicate mineral that typically occurs as colorless or pale yellow prismatic crystals. It has a vitreous luster and can exhibit a range of crystal habits, including columnar or tabular formations. Danburite is known for its high clarity and brilliance, and it is often used as a gemstone in jewelry.

Danburite is a crystal of enlightenment and spiritual connection. It promotes deep meditation, enhances spiritual awareness, and facilitates communication with higher realms.

CONICHALCITE: A secondary copper arsenate mineral that typically forms small acicular or prismatic crystals. It occurs in shades of green, yellow, or brown and can exhibit a vitreous or resinous luster. Conichalcite often forms crusts or botryoidal aggregates and is commonly found in oxidized copper ore deposits.

Conichalcite is a crystal that stimulates the heart and throat chakras, enhancing communication and emotional healing. It promotes self-expression and encourages forgiveness.

ADAMITE: A zinc arsenate hydroxide mineral that occurs in a variety of colors, including green, yellow, and brown. It commonly forms as small, prismatic or barrel-shaped crystals and can also occur in granular or fibrous masses. Adamite crystals have a vitreous or resinous luster and are prized by collectors for their vibrant colors and unique crystal formations.

Adamite is a crystal that enhances joy, creativity, and personal transformation. It stimulates the solar plexus and heart chakras, promoting self-confidence and emotional healing.

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