Kunzite is a pink to lavender-hued gemstone that belongs to the spodumene mineral family. It forms within the Earth's crust through a combination of heat, pressure, and the presence of manganese. These geological conditions contribute to the development of its delicate pastel colors. Typically found in granite and pegmatite deposits, kunzite is often discovered alongside other valuable minerals like quartz and mica. Its natural beauty and rarity make it highly prized for both jewelry and metaphysical applications.
Metaphysically, kunzite is valued for its gentle yet potent energy. Associated with the heart chakra, it is believed to foster love, compassion, and emotional healing. Kunzite is considered a stone of emotional equilibrium, aiding in the release of emotional obstacles, reduction of stress, and promotion of self-acceptance. It is thought to instill feelings of tranquility, harmony, and unconditional love.
Metaphysically, kunzite is valued for its gentle yet potent energy. Associated with the heart chakra, it is believed to foster love, compassion, and emotional healing. Kunzite is considered a stone of emotional equilibrium, aiding in the release of emotional obstacles, reduction of stress, and promotion of self-acceptance. It is thought to instill feelings of tranquility, harmony, and unconditional love.
All crystals sourced responsibly and packaged with care and intention.
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- Adamite
- Amethyst
- Apatite
- Aquamarine and Muscovite Mica
- Azurite
- Blue Tara Quartz
- Botryoidal Chalcedony
- Brazilian Quartz
- Calcite
- Danburite
- Dissolution Quartz
- Elestial Quartz
- Epidote in Quartz
- Fenster Quartz
- Fluorite
- Galena
- Goethite
- Grey Laser Quartz
- Hematite Picture Quartz
- Hemimorphite
- Hiddenite
- Hyalite Opal
- Indigo Child Amethyst
- Inner Mongolian Quartz
- Laser Quartz
- Lemurian Quartz
- Lepidolite Mica
- Lepidolite Mica - B and C Grade
- Lithium Quartz
- Mexican Aragonite
- Mixed Mexican Minerals
- Moonstone
- Moroccan Calcite
- Moroccan Calcite on Matrix
- Moroccan Fluorite
- Mystery Crystal Gift Box
- Orange River Quartz
- Patagonia Pink Amethyst
- Penetrator Quartz
- Prehnite
- Pyrite
- Quartz
- Rutile Quartz
- Selenite
- Star Hollandite Quartz
- Super Seven
- Ulexite
- Vanadinite
- Vanadinite on Barite
- Wulfenite
- Zambian Amethyst