Datolite is a calcium boron silicate mineral that often forms in hydrothermal veins. It occurs as prismatic or blocky crystals and is often transparent to translucent. Datolite is commonly found in shades of green, white, yellow, and brown.
Datolite is found in various locations worldwide, including Norway, Russia, Mexico, the United States, and Canada. It can also be found as secondary minerals in basalt and volcanic rocks.
Metaphysically, datolite is associated with emotional healing, communication, and spiritual growth. It is believed to activate and align the heart and third eye chakras, facilitating the expression and understanding of emotions. Datolite is also believed to promote forgiveness, compassion, and harmony in relationships. It is used by some individuals for meditation, dream work, and accessing higher states of consciousness.
All crystals sourced responsibly and packaged with care and intention.
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- Adamite
- Amethyst
- Apatite
- Aquamarine and Muscovite Mica
- Azurite
- Blue Tara Quartz
- Botryoidal Chalcedony
- Brazilian Quartz
- Calcite
- Danburite
- Dissolution Quartz
- Elestial Quartz
- Epidote in Quartz
- Fenster Quartz
- Fluorite
- Galena
- Goethite
- Grey Laser Quartz
- Hematite Picture Quartz
- Hemimorphite
- Hiddenite
- Hyalite Opal
- Indigo Child Amethyst
- Inner Mongolian Quartz
- Laser Quartz
- Lemurian Quartz
- Lepidolite Mica
- Lepidolite Mica - B and C Grade
- Lithium Quartz
- Mexican Aragonite
- Mixed Mexican Minerals
- Moonstone
- Moroccan Calcite
- Moroccan Calcite on Matrix
- Moroccan Fluorite
- Mystery Crystal Gift Box
- Orange River Quartz
- Patagonia Pink Amethyst
- Penetrator Quartz
- Prehnite
- Pyrite
- Quartz
- Rutile Quartz
- Selenite
- Star Hollandite Quartz
- Super Seven
- Ulexite
- Vanadinite
- Vanadinite on Barite
- Wulfenite
- Zambian Amethyst