Crystal Grid!

Crystal Grid!

This months crystal grid is a mandala!

More recently we've explored some of the standards of sacred geometry, and the many unique and potentially powerful symbols in its practice. But this month, we bring something a little more playful.

This mandala includes a play on the flower of life symbol that produces what some call a "lotus of life" pattern. This pattern is well known for representing balance, harmony, and unity. Shown above with a lotus or flower-pedal-like border creating a wonderfully calming grid to place crystals on.

If you're new to crystal grid work, this is a great grid to start on. Without concerning too much about where and how you're placing your crystals, concentrate solely on "intention" as the goal here. We use this word "intention" a lot when discussing crystal placement, and it's easily the most important factor in all crystal grid work. Working with crystals is only as helpful as you intend it to be. Whether your hope is to find calm and serenity through a hectic time in life, or simply explore crystals for the first time, using a grid can be the perfect guide to do so. Crystals are a fantastic tool to focus thoughts and hopes for the hours, days, or even years to come. With so many distractions available to us, taking the time to select crystals you feel drawn to, and arrange them in a pattern on a grid like this can be very beneficial. If you're not often finding those moments to be creative in your life, this can be a simple act to spark change, renew spirit, or build a plan to move forward with your day.

We hope this months crystal grid inspires you!