Crystal Grid!

Mar 11, 2024
Crystal Grid!

This month's crystal grid, takes a more decorative and balanced approach to crystal work with an emphasis on the hexagon shape. The hexagon, with its six-sided symmetry, is deeply symbolic in metaphysical practices, embodying balance, harmony, and the union of opposites. This geometric shape is frequently observed in nature, most notably in the honeycomb, symbolizing efficiency, hard work, and community.

In sacred geometry, the hexagon often represents the interconnection between the physical and spiritual realms, highlighting the idea of unity and coherence. Its balanced form is sometimes linked to stability and equilibrium, making it a revered symbol in various spiritual and mystical traditions. The hexagon is also associated with the Third Eye Chakra, the center of intuition and insight, suggesting its use can aid in expanding awareness and accessing higher states of consciousness. Its perfect symmetry is thought to resonate harmoniously with the body and nature, promoting healing, stability, and spiritual growth.

Specifically with this grid design, you'll notice 6 circles on the outside, designed for placing crystals of connection to the central design. The middle of the grid is a hexagonal fractal spiral, with the intention to emphasize and hone in on a central crystal placement. If there is a single crystal with particular properties you wish to meditate with, placing that central and surrounding it with cleansing crystals such a selenite or clear quartz could be a great approach. Alternatively, placing several crystals with coordinating properties on the outside circles should be just as helpful. As always, the idea here is to help guide and simply encourage the meditative practice to begin with. The benefits of meditation with or without crystals only comes with practice and repetition. We hope this month's grid inspires you to take this time for yourself!